Certified Wellness Coaching now available!

More Training Means More Service


WellPRO Certified Wellness CoachOver the last few months I have offered some complimentary wellness coaching sessions as part of completing a certification program and have enjoyed the chance to work with some of you. Today I am pleased to share that the program is complete and I am a Certified Wellness Coach through WellPRO International; and I’d like to answer a few questions that have come up about how this will change my practice and what it will mean for you.

For me, this certification is the culmination of a 5-year learning journey. While my work has always been based on a belief in the holistic integrity of the mind-body-heart connections, recent studies have expanded my understanding and knowledge of these connections, including the:

  • biochemistry of nutrition
  • synthesis of neurotransmitters
  • gut-brain relationship
  • role of blood sugar in mood regulation and anxiety
  • cortisol and the carb-craving cycle
  • sleep hygiene
  • amino-acid therapies
  • nutritional supplementation for optimal health
  • chronic inflammation and depression
  • benefits of low-glycemic eating
  • physiology of sustainable weight loss
  • health perspectives of Functional medicine, Acupuncture and Ayurveda
  • empowering others through a coaching model


How will this impact my Counseling practice?

Only for the better. There are no changes in services provided or availability.

One of the things that I love about psychotherapy is that it is a constantly expanding field and we will never “know it all.” Throughout the 13 years of my practice I have continued to integrate new learning as it is gained, and this is no different. The more skills – “tools” – I have in my tool belt, the better able I am to support clients in reaching their goals. Having an expanded view of how the puzzle pieces fit together means that I can pass on that understanding and add greater value to my services.

Who is Wellness Coaching for?

Wellness coaching is appropriate for individuals who want to address health and wellness issues that are not clinical in nature. Wellness coaching can address a broad spectrum of topics to enhance your quality of life. Here are a few examples of common wellness goals; “I want to….

  • Lose weight and keep it off
  • Have more energy
  • Sleep better
  • Feel more fit
  • Learn to eat healthier
  • Get a stress management plan
  • Be more active
  • Stop sugar cravings
  • Know which nutritional supplements are right for me
  • Create an exercise plan
  • Look and feel more vibrant

Do these sound like you or someone you know? If so, I am excited about helping you meet your wellness-related goals.

Got questions? Call or email me today! I’d love to continue the conversation with you.

To your whole health,



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