What Do You Expect?

When I think about the times in my life that I have felt the most hurt, disappointed or frustrated, they all have to do with unmet expectations. Someone did not do, say or behave in the way I anticipated ~ and they should have. I mean, it seemed like a…

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Had a heart check-up lately?

How managing your emotions can save your heart. It’s no surprise that February is “heart” month; from the hearts and flowers of Valentine’s Day to the focus on promoting heart health and reducing heart disease. When it comes to understanding heart health, it’s crucial to understand the connection between the…

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Forget the Bill…

Just Pray for Us Every once in a while you have the good fortune to meet someone who embodies the very spirit of Christmas giving.  Last week my husband, Mark, was driving by a tree lot and spotted some lovely silver cypress trees that were just what we needed to…

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Where Are Your Eggs?

Have you ever heard the old saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” Its a gentle warning that there’s a risk in doing so. The literal risk is that if your basket breaks and falls, you’ll either have scrambled eggs or you’ll lose them altogether. To me it…

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The Upward Spiral of Healing

What to Do When Sexual Trauma Resurfaces   The last few weeks have put issues of sexual assault, and its long-standing effects, front and center in our minds and conversations. Some of those conversations have been in my office as clients deal with past experiences being stirred or “triggered” by…

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Turn, Turn, Turn….

Timely Transitions “To everything ~ turn, turn, turn ~ there is a season, ~ turn, turn, turn ~ and a time for every purpose under heaven.” This song came to me as I thought about the transitions of this time of year and what they mean to most of us;…

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What House Will You Build Today?

I so believe this to be true – for better or worse. Whether they are words of kindness, anger, inspiration or bitterness. Whether they are meant to build up or put down. Whether spoken in person, text, email or on social media – our words are powerful beyond measure. Their…

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Daydreaming in the Summer Clouds

When I was growing up one of my favorite summer activities was to lay in the grass on a lazy afternoon and find shapes in the drifting white clouds. My neighbor friend and I would lay in my dandelion-dotted backyard on Upton Street for hours. We could pick out everything…

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