Finding Peace in the Chaos


Peace is more than the absence of conflict; it is the presence of God.

To say that my husband is a morning person is somewhat of an understatement.  Not only is he up very early (at least to me), but he is awake with an energy and enthusiasm I often envy.  I, on the other hand, like to ease into my day for the first hour and then fire up the engine.

Because he is usually out the door at first light he doesn’t often see the morning routine that starts my day.  He doesn’t see me slide into a sitting position in bed  with my eyes still closed to pray and meditate my way into Divine peace to guide my day.

But one day recently he did.

Having known me long enough to surmise what was happening, I heard him quietly close the door without disturbing me (thank you).  But later in the day he said, “Were you sitting up in bed this morning?”

“Yes,” I replied.  “I start most mornings that way.”  “Just sitting there?” he asked.  “Well, I wasn’t JUST sitting there.”  He understood.

This simple experience reminded me of how internal and intimate the issue of peace is.  One of the greatest desires I hear from clients is to have “peace of mind.”  Yet we’re usually looking for it outside of ourselves.

We believe that we will have peace when:

  • My schedule slows down
  • I make more money
  • I get a different job
  • My spouse changes
  • My kids grow up
  • Everyone is healthy
  • My family stops fighting

Peace is not to be found in those places.  Don’t get me wrong, I celebrate harmony and ease in life.  But experience has taught me that lack of conflict is not enough.  Lack of pressure is not enough; lack of illness is not enough; and lack of worry is not enough.  These are positive things but they don’t create peace, because peace is not about the absence of something.

Peace is about tapping into a pool of calm assuredness, strength and bliss that is not reflective of my external circumstances.  Sometimes it doesn’t even seem to make sense.

This is the peace the “passes all understanding,” and it is found in the presence of God.

That’s what I find when I’m “just sitting.”  It works for me.  But it wouldn’t work for everyone, and it doesn’t need to.  There are many avenues to experience Presence.  Whether you best connect in solitude or community, in a building or in nature; in silence or through music; through speaking or listening – there are many roads but only one destination.   (Click to tweet)

If you’d like to have more peace of mind, don’t wait for your life to change.  Change yourself within your life and you will find the peace your heart desires.




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