Is That What I Look Like?

And Other Thoughts from Behind the Camera

Do you remember the first time you heard your own voice recorded?  It was like listening to some alien version of yourself that made you cringe and say “is that what I sound like?” Well, I’ve had a similar experience lately as I’ve been “playing” with video.  There’s something odd about watching yourself that makes you ask “is that what I look like? Really?” Now I know why actors say they don’t watch their own movies.

However strange it may feel to see yourself on a screen, we’ve all experienced the power of video to connect and communicate.  The explosion of You Tube is evidence of that.  We’ve heard many stories about lives and careers being dramatically changed by posting a video on You Tube.  So for someone whose career is based on communicating it seems like a medium to be mastered, hence my plan for a “video blog.”

Yes, you read it right.  I’ve been playing with a video blog.  This may be as surprising for you as it is for me.  After all, I’ve been writing newsletters and blogs for 15 years and you may have read most of them.  15 years! Can you believe it?

A lot of things have changed over time (I mean after all, my newsletter was sent by “snail mail” for many years!).  But despite the fact that the format and delivery are different, my goals have stayed the same.  It’s always been about offering encouragement, inspiration and education that improves the health and lives of others.

So in planning for the occasional video blog (I will still write as well), I want to use the opportunity to share information and resources that will be of value to my readers.  And that’s where you come in!  As the people of my community I’d love to hear your ideas.

  • What kind of information are you interested in?
  • What question could I answer for you in my first video?
  • What tips and training would you like to see?

Please take a moment to “reply” with your ideas below.

As a thank you for your input (and because it’s FUN!) I’m going to award a $25 Visa gift card to the person submitting the winning topic for my first video.  You must submit your ideas by Saturday, November 28th to be eligible so post your reply right away or email me  at

Thank you in advance for sharing; I can’t wait to hear from you!


P.S.  Remember, I will be awarding the $25 Visa card on Sunday so send me your topic ideas today!

P.P.S  My first video attempts were kind of scary but I promise to practice – practice – practice!



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