Tapping into Transitions

3 Steps to Move from Anxiety into Power


IT’S HEEEEERE!  The time of year when we transition from summer schedules to school schedules.  Whether or not you have kids in school, you can feel the “zing” in the air; the collective “gearing up” that we do as a society.

Transitions create a buzz of forward moving energy that can either send us into frenetic anxiety or fuel us to advance our lives in a positive direction.  

I see this transition time as a mini New Year.  There is the sense of a fresh start and the unknown of a new grade, a new schedule or a new routine.  Families wonder how they can make this school year better than the last.

This year I strongly feel this influence in the professional and business arena as well.  All around me I see people in transition.  If they are employed, I hear desires to advance their position, have more influence, find their niche, or develop more flexibility.  With entrepreneurs, I see people energized to elevate their business to a whole new level, impact more lives and create their dream.

And these discussions are not about setting up projections for next year, they are about doing it NOW.

Tapping into transitions moves us from anxiety into power.  Here are three steps to getting there:

  1. Wake Up!  You cannot seize an opportunity that you don’t even see, so the first step is simply to be aware of what’s happening.  Most people move through transitions with a “heads down, I just have to get through this” or automatic pilot mentality.  Your choice to continue reading has already helped you slow down, take a step back and think about what you’re doing. 
  2. Claim your Desires.  What do you want to transition into?  What changes do you desire? Do you want mornings to be less stressful; work to conflict less with family; to improve your eating plan; to feel joyful about life?   Many of us focus more energy and attention on what we want to avoid than what we want to create.  And we know that what we grow what we focus on.  If your internal conversation sounds more like “oh, here we go again; it’s going to be crazy; I’m not going to have enough time,” rather than “I’m so excited to do this differently,” you will feel anxious and tired before you even begin. 
  3. Plan your Advance.  Now that you see the opportunity for change, and you know what you want, it’s important to identify what you are going to do.  Notice I said what “you” are going to do.  It’s easy to fall into identifying what you want others to do, but the results are almost always less than satisfying.  Power comes from owning what you are willing to do and doing it.  (Click to Tweet) What are you going to do to have a less chaotic schedule, make more friends, bring home less work, create financial ease – or whatever’s on your desire list? 

Anxiety decreases when we take action, so identifying and focusing on what you are going to do will help move you from a state of worry into a state of empowerment.

School starts in a matter of days.  We are in a state of transition NOW.  The time to create change is NOW.  You can do this.  Don’t wait any longer.  Catch the buzz.  Ride the wave.  Make the change.

I’m already cheering for your success!



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