I so believe this to be true – for better or worse. Whether they are words of kindness, anger, inspiration or bitterness. Whether they are meant to build up or put down. Whether spoken in person, text, email or on social media – our words are powerful beyond measure. Their effects are cumulative and lasting.
If you’ve read “The Four Agreements,” by Don Miguel Ruiz, you are familiar with the mandate to BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD. Part of this practice is being conscious and intentional about what we say, and this requires the self-control.
I have seen so much damage – sometimes irreparable – when words are spoken in anger, frustration and fear by adults who have not developed the emotional muscle (and it requires muscle) to control their tongue no matter what thoughts come to mind, and manage the intense emotions that fuel their words.
We all know the difference between being in a space where the words exchanged are loving and supportive, and one where words bring hurt and defensiveness. It can literally feel like two difference houses.
Which house will you build today?
Great reminder. I have this book next to my bed. I frequent it often.