Perfect Timing


Perfect Timing

Timing is a fascinating concept to me. Probably because it is a powerful factor in the way life unfolds and one that I often do not understand, and certainly cannot control.

Birth and death most easily come to mind in this regard, but there are countless other experiences in between.

Have you ever been at just the right place, at just the right time? Looked back in time to recognize a synchronicity of events that were so complex you could not have orchestrated it if you tried? Wondered why, after months/years of working toward an endeavor everything finally clicked into place? Or been surprised by finding exactly what you needed when you were least expecting it?

I’ve had many such experiences over the years. They have given me immense appreciation of the concept of “perfect timing,” but no more certainty in predicting it. And, as they say, therein lies the rub.

The ease of perfect timing feels almost magical when it happens; like a peak through the door of Divine order. I feel totally supported and safe in those moments; reassured that everything in life will work out just as it should if I just let go.

And then…..

My ego mind comes back on line and immediately redirects me to “my plan” – business goals, income targets, household to-do list, personal growth reading and the calendar that legislates the hours in my days. My ego’s drive to be in control; usually through fear.

The thing is that my plan has never been as enjoyable or worked out as well as the planthe plan of perfect timing. So while I sometimes feel torn between the two, I have committed myself to creating harmony between them.

My practice combines the clear intention of my plan while allowing plenty of space for the plan to make changes. Doing that requires me to slow down frequently so I can notice Divine synchronicity or internal guidance and adjust according. There is wisdom in the old adage to “stop and smell the roses.”

To be honest, this is probably the hardest part for me. It is easy to get caught up in a “figure it out, make things happen, nose to the grindstone” mentality and miss the perfect timing available to me. The part of me that grew up believing that you had to do it yourself fears letting go of my plan.

And sometimes it’s hard to be patient for perfect timing to arrive. It certainly doesn’t always show up when I think it should! But I remember the outcome when I pushed to make things happen; when I didn’t wait; when the timing wasn’t perfect, and it’s easier to slow down.

So I still plan ahead, I still have goals and I still have a calendar. And I live with the expectation and anticipation of perfect timing and align with it as often as I can. So far, it’s a practice I can highly recommend.

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